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Jason asked me to dance for the very first time to one of my favorite songs, & as we sang along, I never imagined how he would later affect my life. We went our separate ways but God definitely had a plan for us because everywhere I went, there he was. We somehow knew the same people, loved the same things, & soon were inseparable. The day after our first date he took me to the cowboy church with him. I was impressed with this man! Gods plans sometimes are different than what we have pictured so when we found out we were pregnant, we were wondering why God had chose this path for us instead of giving us more time to enjoy each other as a young couple & do all the things that make parenting later in life a little easier. Apparently God knew we had it in us to be strong as a couple & as parents because as we prayed, we were reminded that this baby GIRL was a blessing & would give us more than we could've ever dreamed of having on our own. Tylee is her name & boy let me tell you, she's a wild one. She's got a heart as big as Texas, a smile that'll make anyone's day complete, & eyes brighter than the sun! We are happier than ever and we can't wait to see what the future holds for us!
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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Baby Weston

Just for my own reference, I wanted to blog about my plans for Weston's room. Although everyone that came to my baby gender reveal thought I moved Tylee out of her room for Weston to have the blue room, I definitely don't want to keep it that way! I found my inspiration for his room through a website: This Country Fried Life When I saw it I instantly fell in love! :) This although, makes registering for things on normal websites quite hard. I am going to attempt to do one on toys r us/babies r us but also Etsy.

As for diapers I have decided to give cloth diapering a try. Although it may make me a crazy person, its safer and in the end saves a TON of money. I may keep a few disposables around for babysitters or Jason (haha) but not for daily use.

Still here!

Obviously I am NOT a true blogger because other bloggers (good ones) can post every day even with wild toddlers! But I will do my best still!

Tylee has grown like a weed and is now 3 1/2 years old and goes to an amazing school with incredible teachers! I am also a sub and extended care aid in the afternoons there so it's nice to be with her while I work! I think one of her favorite things to do is sing, (even though when she gets on stage for church and school programs she freezes!) I am SO THANKFUL to hear her most beautiful voice singing "Mary had a little lamb, Jesus loves the little children, angels watching over me, 10,000 reasons, and of course wheels on the bus!" With all of the craziness of the world with little girls growing up too fast, singing Miley Cyrus or other popular teen music at even Tylee's age, it's a blessing to know she's still a little girl in this messy world. She has a heck of a memory, can hold quite interesting and hilarious conversations, and gives the best hugs! She's now into drawing, coloring, stamps, and stickers - which was what my life growing up consisted of! I always wanted her to enjoy those things too but now that she is, I'm becoming sad realizing that means she's growing way too fast for this momma! She got her first puppy, Jewel, a blue heeler and most days loves her but other days knocks her down from all the jumping and licking!

Christmas was SO MUCH FUN with her this year! We did Elf on the Shelf :) I have heard people say, "I don't need an elf to keep my child from misbehaving." WELL, let me tell you, I don't either! But also, that darn elf didn't stop my crazy kid from being simply that...a crazy kid! The Elf was started as a fun Christmas tradition to add another element of teaching the true meaning of Christmas (by the Elf's letters about Jesus) and also to add some special magic to Christmas for a child that (like I said earlier) is growing up in a world that takes the magic out of everything! I also sprinkled powdered sugar around Jason's boots to make Santa's footprints ("brought back snow!") She wanted a "Bow Scooter" so bad and was so excited that Santa brought it but I think she has played more with the $5 princess camera I got her! Haha. Traveling to 3 different places over a 2 week span is quite difficult with an almost 4 year old. I don't think our truck could have been any more full! Next year I am truly considering staying home for Christmas to get a break from the hustle and bustle and also let Tylee have a break. She keeps asking to go home, which is strange since we have just been with grandparents, but I think she gets overwhelmed from traveling so much and staying in different beds and it just doesn't feel quite right to her. Also, next year we will have a 7 month old and that can be crazy overwhelming so between all of that craziness and spending hundreds on gas, it just sounds like a good plan!

Some of my favorite things Tylee currently says a lot....
"Are you kiddin' me??"
The way she says cereal..."cer-io!"
"I don't know about that!"
"Silly me!"
"Silly!" (Suwey!)

We have decided to name our new baby boy Weston Lee. Since we couldnt come up with a name with liked for Tylee that had Lee in the middle name, Jason came up with Tylee so we could incorporate Lee in the first name and give her my middle name. When we were thinking of boy names when Tylee's gender was unknown, I liked Weston and told Jason's sister Abbie and she informed me that Jason was almost named Weston Lee before he was given his now name. I thought that was a neat way to name him and would have a good story behind it! :) I am currently 21 weeks and 2 days along and have recently started to really feel our little stinker kick me like crazy! Sometimes it surprises the heck out of me but it makes me smile and is one of my favorite parts of the day! Since they sleep around 14 hours in there I like feeling him wake up. Usually its around bedtime when he decides to wake up - but of course! ;) BabyCenter.com says at 21 weeks baby has a sense of touch and responds to my touches. Good to know! A friend of mine told me you forget everything when you have another - which makes sense because I see her daughter eating at the table and think, "She can eat that??" But I can also pick up a crying baby and instantly begin patting and bouncing and feel completely comfortable. My friend says that you forget things but also feel so comfortable since having been through it that it's not as scary. I'm beyond excited and pray everyday for another 21 weeks in utero! I completely don't mind a late arrival as long as he is healthy and those lungs are fully developed! (Last to develop in there!)

Funny how you get to talking about your kids...! I once heard that when going on dates with your spouse you should talk about things OTHER than your children. That is REALLY hard to do! Our world consists of Tylee and new baby talk! Talk about each other..?!? Whadaya' mean?? :) Jason and I are doing amazing. (We finally got married in June!!) I have never been happier ever. We are completely opposite people (minus becoming like each other from living together so long!) but being opposite is perfect for us. I can definitely see every day how we have grown as a couple and have become attached at the heart and hip! Our trust has and love has grown so deeply it amazes me and makes me smile. He knows me inside out like the back of his hand and although I know we will go through things we can't even fathem right now, I am secure in our lives together and God's love for us and our love for God. I can't wait to grow older together and look back on the years.

ALSO! I just graduated college at Tarleton State University with a Bachelors in Science, but really a degree to teach Family & Consumer Sciences. We don't plan to move away from Stephenville because we love it so much there, so finding a job is going to be tough. I plan to challenge the EC-6 teaching exam and see about teaching 1st grade. We shall see where the Lord takes us! (Graduated and STILL dont know what I want to do with my life! ;)

That's it for now folks, this momma should get some rest!